KALEG is a curated sports brand that bases its approach on individual exercise patterns and preferences. 
Acknowledging the diversity of sports activities suited to each person, KALEG offers products that are optimally designed based on user exercise experiences. It features high-sensitivity technical performance wear, designed to provide the best utility for a variety of sports activities, grounded in the functional needs derived from users' exercise experiences.

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COMPANY: GRAY SHOPREPRESENTATIVE: Hyo-jin Song, Hyun-young KangBUSINESS LICENSE: 180-37-00898ORDER LICENSE: 2021-Seoul Yeongdeungpo-2670TEL: +82)507-1397-1592
EMAIL: info@grayshop.co.krADDRESS: GRAY SHOP, 9, Dorim-ro 133-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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