FREKER is a brand that continuously explores design and function under the slogan ‘Navigating Allround Wear'. 

FREKER presents a sophisticated GEAR that penetrates all ages with practical and aesthetic designs, drawing inspiration from music and exploration. 

We're trying to modernize the practical details that come from all functional clothing and create things that are not only useful, but also capable of expressing our aesthetics and energy. 

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COMPANY: GRAY SHOPREPRESENTATIVE: Hyo-jin Song, Hyun-young KangBUSINESS LICENSE: 180-37-00898ORDER LICENSE: 2021-Seoul Yeongdeungpo-2670TEL: +82)507-1397-1592
EMAIL: GRAY SHOP, 9, Dorim-ro 133-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
© 2024. GRAY SHOP All Rights Reserved.